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Dates are awkward

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For most people, first dates can be awkward but exciting. Wouldn’t it be better for them to just be exciting? Normally, we go for dinner, drinks or plain old coffee because we wouldn’t dare embarrass ourselves doing anything else. BUT, introducing a third object - something outside the two of you that you can interact with - is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on your date. My best dates have always involved an activity. Whether that be something I haven’t enjoyed or something I didn’t know I would!

New date ideas:

Don’t let the fear of competitiveness get in the way either but if you are worried about competition, there are still other dates you can do.

And if these still don’t tickle your fancy and you live in a big city then have a look for bars that do immersive experiences, where you can still have a drink. Cocktail making, VR bars and themed drinking experiences will give you something to talk and laugh about.Having a third object is a great way to overcome awkward dates and a shortcut to find common ground with your date, helping you to build easier and more meaningful connections.

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Date Different